The first and final Saturday readings begins at 8 p.m. The rest, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday readings, begin at 7 p.m. All readings take place in Miller Auditorium at Eckerd College. All readings are free and open to the public.
Please note: seating is limited to auditorium capacity and cannot be guaranteed.

Join us for wine & book browsing half an hour before the start time, and then stay after the reading to meet the authors and have your books signed. Books will be available for sale 1/2 an hour before the reading starts and after the reading is over.
If you require disability-related accommodations, please contact Writers in Paradise at [email protected] preferably two weeks in advance. A good faith effort will be made to accommodate all requests, including late requests.
Guest parking is available on campus. For a campus map and directions to campus, see the Eckerd College website.